Do you ever why it took you so long to get where you’re at?

Do you ever wonder why it took you so long to get where you’re at?  I mean, from the time I was in grade school on up, I knew I only wanted to be a wife and mother, but because I let other people and their opinions influence me.  I made too many crazy stops, before I got to my current destination as wife, mom and now, Mi Mi.

I never wanted a “career”, but I had everyone in my ear telling me that I needed to go to college, I needed to make money, blah, blah, blah, blah….. No I didn’t!!  I was always the type that loved to be around family and I loved being creative.  I loved to write, sing and draw.  If everyone had left me alone and let me follow my dreams, it might not have taken so long for me to finally be happy.  Yes, I have a mental illness, oh dang, I SAID IT!!! I’m mentally ill.  How dare you if you just thought of the word crazy!  It doesn’t mean that I’m crazy.  It just means my ailment isn’t physical.  I was born with parts of my illness, but others developed from traumas that happened in my life.  Everyone would be happier if they would just admit it and get help, instead of blaming everyone else.  Any way, as I was saying, I knew what I wanted.  I should’ve told everyone else to take a flying leap, but I didn’t, so, it took a long time and a lot of heartache because I let other people run my life.

If your kids aren’t killing themselves, they’re respectful, appreciative, then leave them alone to follow their dreams instead of telling them to follow YOUR dreams.  A lot of people that are going to college or have already been, have spent a lot of money on an education, yet they still don’t have a job or they’re unhappy.  College doesn’t fix unhappiness.

Sometimes I feel like congratulating parents on making their kids feel miserable and inadequate.

Just because you didn’t do what you think you should’ve when you had the chance, now you project your unhappiness onto your own children.  Tell your kids that you love them and want to support them in anything they would like to accomplish.  Even if you don’t have the money, be their moral support.  Then maybe it won’t take 30+ years to realize they’re finally doing what they always wanted to do, and they will have a great relationship with you by their side!